AppraiserVendor offers a direct integration with both the UCDP (Uniform Collateral Data Portal) and EAD (Electronic Appraisal Delivery) portals to facilitate delivery of the appraisal report on the lenders’ behalf. Unlike most AMC’s, AppraiserVendor completes delivery to the portals prior to our review of the appraisal report. This process allows for AppraiserVendor to clear all applicable CU findings for any report scored at 2.5 or greater.

AppraiserVendor offers a seamless process for GSE delivery and hosts a direct integration with both the UCDP (Uniform Collateral Data Portal) and EAD (Electronic Appraisal Delivery) Portals. AppraiserVendor’s submission component allows for the most streamlined path to UCDP submission creating a convenience for our partners from end-to-end. In addition to GSE delivery, AppraiserVendor offers ECOA compliant delivery to the consumer which helps further alleviate our partners from an additional step in the loan origination process.

Consumer Contnet Electronic Delivery